The Classic Story Of The Little Red Riding Hood

The Classic story of the Little Red Riding Hood has been told in countless ways. From 1922 to 1960s the story has been retold to children in different versions. Aside from the story book versions, Walt Disney's Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf animated movie was launched. It was one of the earliest cartoon movies of Disney's. Now, 2011, a new era of Little Red Riding Hood will surely erupt. With Warner Brothers planning to make another version of the classic story, the Hooded Girl will again rock the dance floor this Halloween. For sure, versions of Adult Red Riding Hood will be on the racks this coming holiday. Some of which will probably be Sexy Red Riding Hood Dresses.

When Little Red Riding Hood set out into the woods on that warm spring day in about 1321 or so, little did she know that she was to encounter not only the Big Bad Wolf, but a sales funnel so irresistible she would fall for it like a kitten for a saucer of milk. Little Red's intention was only to bring some warm currant buns to her dear old granny, but as soon as she set her foot on the path into the forest that day, she found herself walking straight into the mouth of a sales funnel. "What a lovely red hood you have on," said the Big Bad Wolf. "Why thank you," said Little Red, thus responding with interest and beginning her first step into the slippery slope of Wolfie's steep and irresistible sales funnel. Next, the Wolf intensified Little Red's interest by asking her even more about herself: "And where might you be going this fine spring day, my pretty?" And, as you might expect, Little Red stepped a little further into his sales funnel by answering him with information he could use: "Why, to my dear Granny's house, to bring her these warm currant buns."

The wolf sniffed appreciatively at the basket, and proceeded to do a little more "market research" on Little Red (they didn't have agencies to do this kind of thing back then). "Those are lovely smelling buns. And where might Dear Granny live?" To which, of course, Little Red replied with the desired information, thus stepping further into the sales funnel by inviting future communication with the wolf. The difference of this year's movie compared to 2008 version is the promise of a romantic twist to the story. It is something to look up to. We do not know how they would include that spice but all we know for now is that it is trying to capture the Twilight fans with the starting move of hiring its director. You may know how this part of the story goes, but what you may not know is how obviously it follows the pattern of a great sales funnel, so I will recount it for you here with a little sales funnel commentary on the side. Then, he proceeded to elicit empathy and even ask for her help (a sly twist that you can add to make your funnel even more irresistible). "I'm not feeling well dear, won't you come over and fluff the pillows for me?"
