We Can Enjoy Ourselves In The Fanny Story

This is a true story about something which happened to me around ten years ago. It is a story I have told to many people and it always seems to raise a smile and a few laughs, I hope you enjoy it to.

I was about twenty-two years of age and went on an evening out with a few friends. There were about six of us going out that night and it was obvious to me that my friends were planning on making it a big one, for example that they were hoping to get very drunk.

Now I have to admit that I am a bit of a lightweight when it comes to drinking alcohol, I always seem to become drunk far quicker than what my friends seem to and it also makes me feel very low and ill on the next day.

On this particular evening we had had a good night, everything had gone well, we all got on alright with each other and there was no trouble. I only mention this as these so called friends are not exactly the most desirable of people and are not the kind of people you can trust or rely on, as you will see later.
I had basically drank far too much and was very drunk, I was easily led at this age, well this is my excuse anyway. After we left the bar after last orders, I was ready to go home to my bed but my friends started talking about going for a curry at a local indian restaurant. I did not really feel very hungry but did not want to go home on my own so I decided to go along with them.

After ordering my food I started to feel quite ill and thought that I might actually be sick. What I needed I thought to myself was some fresh air. I went and asked the waiter if he could make the food that I had ordered as a take away and told him that I would be waiting outside near to the front door.
I also of course told my friends that I was going to wait for them outside as I was not feeling well. They started laughing at me and calling me names etc. At that stage I did not really care.

I sat outside and hoped that I would soon start to feel better. About ten minutes later the waiter came out and gave me my food etc. The next thing that I remember was feeling very cold. I had actually fell asleep on a step near the restaurant and woke up a number of hours later. I could not believe that my friends had just left me there and had not been bothered to wake me up.

I was in a bit of a daze and it was very dark, the time was about four in the morning. I tried to get myself together and to think about how I was going to get home. I then noticed that my food had been taken, someone had stolen my curry! To this day I still do not know who took it as my friends are adamant that they didn't. Who would do such a thing?
